Hi, I am

Blossom Armstrong

Front-End Developer out of Maine, USA

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See below my featured projects

a screen shot of a weather app showing the current weather and temperature in Boston MA with the forcast for the next 5 days of weather below it. the background is a gentle gradient of blue pink and yellow

Forecast Project

This project used tools including: flex-box, API integration, and JavaScript functions

AI Poem Generator Project

This project used tools including: AI integration, training the AI, and response functions

a screen shot of a webpage. at the top is a box that says ''fairy emoji' AI poem generator' under this is another box featuring a spot to enter text with a sumbit button to the side. the whole page is dusty pink, olive green, and cream
a screen shot of a web page. there is a white box on a lavender background. in the white box is black text reading world clock project, a city select drop down, and the current time and date in los angeles and paris

World Clock Project

This project used tools including: date and time functionality, font variations, and various types of functions